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CRAFT SALE!!  Cuz Mama loves you….

CRAFT SALE!! Cuz Mama loves you….

Hey Kids!!   Been far too long I know- summer is here & if you hadn’t heard we are boat people now!  I will post pics of us ripping all over the lakes in our area smoking BC’s finest don’t you worry!  For now, I wanted to let everybody know...
How our BC Cannabis fairs against  US legal Weed

How our BC Cannabis fairs against US legal Weed

I didn’t realize the cannabis I was buying and smoking in the 90’s was some of the best there is.  I can recall our joints getting so oily they were hard to continue smoking toward the end.  I’ve always grown as an adult, and my younger brother Ben has tried every...


So super pumped!!   the Weed Stork is coming with Weedlings…..For you to care for at home.  Even though we sell a lot of dry flower, everyone here at the flower shop appreciates a good old-fashioned grow!  All Canadians are entitled to 4 plants, so why not take...